Reading Note on Chapter 5 (Advanced Encryption Standard)


·         Read 5.1 in details

§  What are the drawbacks of DES and 3DES?

§  Read AES evaluation according to NIST criteria.

·         Read section 5.2.

§  Why does AES limit block length to 128 bits? Does it have any security benefit? Does it have any efficiency benefit?

§  Is AES a Fiestel structure? Why or why not?

§  What feature of the S-box makes it resilient to cryptanalytic attack?

§  Study examples in pages 148-149 carefully.

§  What is the main function of ShiftRows Transformation?

§  What is the function of AddRoundKey Transformation?

§  Why was AES Key expansion algorithm developed? How does it resist cryptanalysis attack?

§  How can AES be implemented on 8-bit processor?

  Read the paper on AES: